

Today, I'm celebrating.

Today is my last day of University.

Today, I accomplish a goal that I've had since high school.

No more case briefs, no more statutes, no more heavy text books.  Most of all, no more crippling stress over projects and term papers. 

Today, after 4 long years of part-time University on top of a full-time (stressful) job, I'm free.  Free to focus on myself, Hubby, family, and friends.  Free to enjoy my spare time; to read for pleasure; to start new projects.

I feel like I have a whole new life a head of me.  I'm proud of what I accomplished (with an A average, no less), and excited for what lies a head.

Today, I plan my new goals.


Jen said...

Congratulations!!!! It's finally over! Fantastic day :)

Lindsay said...

Congratulations!!!! So happy for you!!!!