
love is a lot of work

It's estimated that a full-time worker in Canada works an average of 2,080 hours per year.  Basically, us full-time workers spend more time at work that we do at home; kind of depressing when you think about it.  It's no wonder that 47% of affairs occur in the workplace; you spend more time with your co-workers than you do with your spouse, but that's a whole different topic.  What I'm talking about is loving your job, not creating love with your co-workers.

What got me thinking about this?  Well, the other day as I was walking back into the office from my lunch break, the receptionist stopped me and handed me a bunch of flowers.  "A client just dropped these off for you", she said.  I was floored.  I've received flowers at work before, but they were either from Hubby or my bosses - never from a client.  When I got back to my desk I sent the client an email thanking him for the flowers, and he responded with a note saying that he was very impressed with the work that I was doing, and that it's always such a pleasure to work together.  I'm pretty sure I started blushing.  

The thing is, I love my job, so doing well comes easily.  Okay, so maybe the actual work part of my job isn't the most interesting stuff, but it's the fact that I get to work in a team and closely with our clients that makes my job rewarding.  I believe that loving your job is extremely important for your overall mental health and well-being.  For me, I love what I do, and I find that because I put so much effort and care into my work, I also get a lot of satisfaction out of my career.  I admit, I think I'm pretty lucky to have found a career I love at such a young age (that also happens to pay well).  Really, really lucky.

The thing that I really took from this whole experience though, was the fact that a little gesture can make the biggest difference in another person's day.  Those flowers made me work that much harder, and my day that much brighter.  Next time you're thankful for something that another person did in your life or work, let them know.  I promise I will.

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